A few Spells


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Here are a few Simple spells.

Protection Spell.
The best day to cast this spell is on Tuesday.
You need a red candle, Dill, Parsley, Sage, and Thyme, and a Jade crystal.
You need to crave the words "I am protected" on the candle followed with your signature. Grind the hearbs together and keep them in a sealed jar.
      When you are ready to cast the spell place the candle in the center of the atler. In front of the candle you will need a metal bowl. To the right of the bowl place a glass of water. On the left of the bowl place the crystal.
     Now sprinkle the herbs in a cricle around you and your altar. Sit inside the circle, and light the candle. Look into the candle and think about what you need to feel protected. Also imagine a wall of white light around you.
    When all that is done write on a piece of paper the following words.
"I am protected. I feel safe and calm.
Nothing can hurt me. I 'm shielded from harm."
Now stand up and face north and say the words that you have just written. And do this for the other 3 directions. When that is done sit back down and set fire to the paper with the flame from the candle and say the word agian. Then place the paper in the metal bowl.
     Now when there is nothing left but ashes of the paper put a pinch of ashes into the water, and then blow the remaining ashes to each of the four directions. Then you need to drink the water, and blow out the candle.
If you feel the need you can cast this spell whenever you need it.

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